Took the family up near Waterville Valley this week to play in the Pemi and made a little fire so the kids could roast marshmallows. After singing all the hair off my hands and legs trying to make smores for the kids, I remembered the other kind of "face melting" starts up again in the mountains in about three months. Speed runs to the parks and burning feet from being out of our boots for a while are just around the corner. Which brings up other things.... Are you buying a season pass somewhere? GET IT NOW..you'll save a load of money if you get it before things cool down. Need equipment? On a budget? EB's Annual TENT SALE is hitting the Leominster shop again on Labor Day weekend for four days. Sept 4th - 7th we'll have all five stores worth of leftover boards, boots, bindings, jackets, pants and all the fixin's to go with it at blowout pricing! If you're looking for 2010 boards and gear a lot of it's already here so come take a look. Don't snooze on saving money or miss grabbing the latest and greatest most talked about whips available for this coming winter! You snooze you lose.
what time does it start?
Sale times run the same as our normal store hours. Mon-Fri 11-8 Sat 10-8 Sun 12-5
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