These are some shots of our good friend Jonathan Hobbs from a while back. I'm not sure who shot them except for the black and white that I believe Joel Muzzey took back at Maximus. He was just a little kid when Tabor and the older EB heads corrupted him. Jons an awesome and refreshingly positive guy.

Good one Bub! Bacon rules.
no pads, no shoes!
no rulez.
History! the first day I met John Hobbs he did fully-extended layback airs on Nu-Wave Jim's mini vert in Barnstead, NH.1986. He was in 9th or 10th grade, like me and had fs airs, bs airs, leint to tail and inverts already. He had no idea how ill his style was. Tabor brought him up to NH that time and we partied at Jim's house all weekend. shirtless and on FIRE! He was riding a woodgrain original Vision Mark Gonzales— a little powerhouse from wrestling at school and proud of his Georgia roots. From that day on, i skated as much as i could with him and could write a book about our adventures. I fucking should.
Do it Muzz..We could use a good read.
Bacon zapped some nasty airs out of the old W.V. ramp too. Lip tricks, inverts, airs, grinds, whatever. That cat was always down for the session, up for a toke with an ear to ear grin. Cold brews, good tunes, good times.
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