Wednesday, January 23, 2008


If you've ever wondered what the entry floor mat we have in the shop was all about, then you missed out on some of the best riding boards ever made. MIA snowboards closed their doors years ago but their boards can still be seen all over the place. Every year we still tune up way more than you could imagine and people simply won't give them up and update their gear. "Why fix it if it isn't broken" and "I haven't found a board yet that I like better so I keep going back to this" is typically the reaction we get. Today Jon took this 2001 Destroyer in for a little binding work ( this was one of the last models made) I saw the old "Castle" graphic board at Wachusett a week ago that looked like it just came out of the bag. The FW deck always turns up somewhere. MIA had a really good thing going. For a small company they had their shit together when it came to image and quality. Bummer they didn't have deep pockets to keep it rolling.

Check the shrub Jons growing on his head. Makes me tear up since I can now polish my central dome. Seems more than boards go MIA. sniff sniff


Anonymous said...

I have the 2001 destroyer in the pic, but mine is all silver (did he color his in I wonder?). Coolest graphic I've ever seen, gotta love the peacocks. It's a sweet ride, glad I picked one up before the company went under.

Unknown said...

I own 4 different destroyers, an FW, and alexi lets rock and his red wagon pro model. I love riding them all but my FW is my favorite. I just picked up a Castle graphics board and a Hendricks board. anybody want to get rid of their MIA let me know. I will gladly take it :)