Gormley report: "Nick Francke was a home grown New Hampshire wrecking crew. He could ride everything and had a gross/awesome style. Nick would toss out these monstrous back flips that I always thought looked goofy but everyone else seemed to love.
He would go twice as fast, twice as high and not always look pretty doing it. He has followed that lifestyle to Europe where he continues to embarrass salaried pros regularly by launching gigantic airs over his jump designs and park builds.
Loud, crazy, baked and blasting, Nick Francke let his loyalty take precedence over financial gain. Courted by ski brands and other board companies, Nick stayed true to the MIA vision right up to the end. If you had to do it over again would you do it the same way? Most likely, Nick would.
If you're walking through a small village in Germany and wonder how the f%$# all those Eastern Boarder stickers got everywhere, think of Nick. He is super local in multiple countries on two continents. Deril." ( Shot and words from Matt Gormley ..photo taken in the old Waterville Valley Boneyard )

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