Join EB at Waterville Valley for a new event we whipped up to celebrate the soon to open new South Street Terrain Park. Win great stuff from Forum, Four Square, Special Blend, Oakley, Coal, Banshee Bungee and Redbull. The new park is going to be fun..and we figured we may as well go play in it when it gets going asap. We are bringing a 20' Banshee Bungee to use as a slingshot start for anything we might need a boost for. This $200+ bungee will also be one of the prizes when the dust settles.
Thanks WV and all the other sponsors..it's going to be fun!
Event details:
This Street Style event will take place in our brand new South Street Terrain Park.
Sat. 1/28/12 (Snowboard event with EB)
Sun. 1/29/12 (for those who still ski...really?)
Registration: 8-10am at Event Yurt
Price: $10 per competitor *Discounted lift tickets available at registration.*
15 and under
15 over
Sponsors: EB, WV, Oakley, Red Bull, Foursquare, Forum, Special Blend, Coal
Format: 30 min jam for each division per section.
1st section: Slingshot
2nd Section: Roll the dice
3rd Section: TBD