A few days back we were invited to go striper fishing in RI off of Block Island by Johan and Andrew from Capita, Union ... "C3", along with some other great shops around New England. Leaving Worcester at around 3:30 am we got a $100 speeding ticket for Steve and myself a $25 no seat belt which is the lamest ticket of all time. Everyone met up on the dock and split into two groups to go get the big ones. Johan, Fat Trax Mike, Adam from Cutting Edge, Scott Stevens and I in one boat, Spike and Steve from EB, Credos Durf, Andrew from C3, Guido from Civil and Ross Phillips from Think Thank on the other. Our boat ended up landing 18 nice blues, black bass and Johan got a decent keeper striper. Great fishing, partying , friends and laughs all day ...and a little bit of watching Scott and Adam turn green in the waves. Upon arrival back to the docks we learned that the other crew landed all the striper left in the ocean some weighing in at 39 lbs. Back at Andrews house we grilled up some fish, had a few beverages, and destroyed a bunch of stuff with a wrist rocket for a while before having a sneak peek at the new Think Thank video which you need to get asap and see for yourself.
Thanks again for everything Johan and Andrew. Great group of guys and great fishing.