Saturday, March 20, 2010


Matthew Gormley..East Coast - West Coast correspondent and all around shred has been hooking me up with some cool old shots and blurbs that I'll be dropping in here over the next couple weeks. For those to young to personally know some of the heads that will be shown here in the old pics, just know they all were ruling the same trails you're all riding now and most helped pave the way to make better parks happen in one way or another. Take it away Matt....

"Prior to his ascension through the ranks at Burton, Adam Moran was a heavy ripper for K2. Blasting out monstrous airs and smooth lines despite running Clickers, Adam defied physics and convention by proving you can still have style with step ins.
While he eventually was allowed to step out, Adam and Jeff both made that K2 Clicker system look good. Here Adam drifts another proper method for the 1995 Ride Guide cover shot. Money."

For the record step in systems were one of the worst times for snowboard equipment developement. Companies had pressured shops to carry it explaining to us that this was the future! ummmmm yeah...the future land fill piles. Adam Moran has since become Burtons Global TM

Adam Moran interview 1
Adam Moran interview 2

1 comment:

  1. classic. maybe pat will have a wicked method contest on the qp. next week.
