Tuesday, March 16, 2010


With the Spring comes the most fun events of the snowboarding season. Back to the Boneyard 2 at Waterville Valley is the day before Last Call at Loon. There is no excuse to not be there for both. Call in dead, rent a room, bring your board, all your friends and join in all the fun. Pat is flying our old East Coast hero Matt Gormley in to make sure the gathering of old shreds is legit. Matt called to warn us of his return and sent us these cool old pics of Pat Moore too. The rest of this blurb is from Matt.

The worst thing about looking at old photos is realizing that time passes so quickly.
These shots of Pat Moore when he was 8 years old. His mom was my boss, so this little red haired grommet with a wall of teeth always smiling would follow us around all the time. He'd help hang banners, set up bamboo and carry prizes. He'd just point it and hit all the jumps.
Around this there were some really good locals at Waterville Valley: Jeff and Adam Moran, Zach and Aaron Diamond, Andrew Mutty, Trevor Kupetz, Nick Francke, Dan Brothers and Alexei Garrick. The other batch of young upstarts included Matty Ryan and Luke Mathison. Years later this family is still pretty tight knit. Matty Johnson, Bill Enos and Mike Bettera are still heavyweights in the shred game.
I still think Pat has one of the best styles around, but one thing I always find is that ear-to-ear grin while strapped to his board. That feeling is contagious. Smile and ride.
More pics to follow. Be there on Tuesday for Back to the Boneyard 2. Do it.


( Thanks Matt..keep the blurbs and rad old pics coming buddy. See you in the Bone Yard on Tuesday the 23rd! )

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