Friday, January 15, 2010


2010 started out well as Zane and Ian were invited to ride with B Hunt, Zach Early,and Chris Childs in their first PAID demo with MAXIMUM VELOCITY at the Hynes Center in Boston what a way to start the New Year. It was a good night on great ramps with huge crowds. Geoffrey owner and announcer had never met the boys but seemed to enjoy their riding style Zane hitting the ramps with 720s and 540s and some huge tuck threes,in all three packed shows and Ian with his patterned tuck to side saddle landers no footed can to no footers to side saddle Kenny Bartram would have been proud, Who Ian actually had the opportunity to talk and have lunch with at the X Games. Where Ian Informed Kenny that he stole his trick. Thanks to B Hunt for the intro to Maximum Velocity and a great night Here are some pics from a great photographer who was nice enough to send us some shots. He was there to enjoy the show with his family and only asked us to mention his name with the photos thankyou Robert Provost

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