Sunday, December 6, 2009



We're getting closer.... with Saturday's 4 inches of natural snow and the colder overnight temperatures this weekend, the snow guns are finally in full force. The weather forecast is calling for overnight temperatures to continue in the 20's through most of this week allowing for snowmaking operations to continnue almost every night this week.

When temperatures dip into the 20’s, we can progress very quickly and our snowmaking crew will be working around the clock as weather permits building base depths and extending coverage. We are planning to be open for skiing and riding by Thursday, December 10th or sooner as weather permits. Snowmaking operations have started on Conifer Connection trail from the summit for intermediate and advanced level skiers and riders, Indian Summer for beginners and Ollie's Teaching Area for first-time skiers and riders..

The long range forecast is for consistent winter-like temperatures to continue through the rest of this month. Our state-of-the-art system and extensive water supply will allow us to maximize snowmaking efforts to open additional terrain quickly as we head towards the holidays. Snowmaking depends on cold temperatures and low humidity – just like Mother Nature we can make snow when temperatures dip below 32 degrees -- the colder it gets, the more snow we can make. To be most efficient during the early season, we strive to get temperatures at least into the 20’s so we can maximize our efforts.

We have the best snowmaking crew in the business and they are psyched to be working hard to get you on the slopes! We will update the snow conditions on the website and snow phone with our snowmaking progress and opening date progress.

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