Friday, July 10, 2009


These OPOTD shots are of Mark Seidel at "the Pit" in Stow from 1983-84. The guy in the red shirt is Dan Sweeney. The Pit was across the street from my house, and was up and running for close to 15 years before we all moved away and it eventually became someones back yard. The original hole was dug as a test site for housing, but was left totally alone for years and became pretty much where we lived. The entire bowl was pure clay and made for amazing trails. The shot of part of the bowl here is pretty poor but it'll give you the idea had lips, hips, tree bonks, fire gaps and stayed fairly shaded through the summer. It bordered Maynard too so we had a good crew of guys from all there and around Acton. I believe Mark was from Groton and his family owned the Johnsons Stand on 119 across from the Country Club. Other guys like "Timeless" Jody Stoddard, Lee Alexander, Scott Johnson, Jimmy and Kathy Tedesco came from the Groton area too. All sorts of random guys rolled through there over the years.