Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Chelone Miller guinea pigged this Loon made monster jump before anyone even knew he was going to hit it. He nailed it twice before anyone else even tested the lip out. Pat Moore and Lonnie Kauk soon followed and some heavy stuff went down. Lip to the knuckle was a mere 103'....the step down was damn big too. Chelone scored $2,500 bucks from Snowboarders Pat Bridges at the bar one night for being the man to keep Superpark.. well...super. Chelone is also known for his boarder cross ability and considering going for the US Olympic Team. After this showing at Superpark though, word is his phone has been ringing from possible new sponsors. Hannah Beaman also accepted the money from Pat for being the standout rider from the womens session but she also stepped to the mens jumps with ease along with Jenny Jones who was KILLING it. Playing at the bar that night was none other than Danny Garritys band who made their first appearance to Mammoth a total banger.

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