Monday, September 29, 2008


Upon a random search of snow photos on the beloved interweb I came across this one....I believe it's Pat Bridges ..yes it is Pat. Mr snowboarding himself all duded up like we rarely see him. The first time I ever met Pat was up at Killington one night a hundred years ago. A couple of us from Ma. lurked around long enough after riding during the day to meet people that would let us couch camp for the night. I don't really remember where we crashed but I did remember meeting Pat at a random party in the house of a guy that was making "Jaunt" clothing at the time with his girlfriend. If you remember that, then you're old too. I may have not really even remembered Pat except that he was eating raw onions like apples which I found a little odd. Now he's a guy that most everyone remembers and admires for his love and dedication to snowboarding. His passion for riding has taken him around the world and back. He's worn every possible hat or beanie sort of speak when it comes to snowboarding. The next time you ride, keep an eye out for the "Eye"...chances are you'll catch one of his signature hand plants or tail blocks. Pick up a copy of Snowboarder Mag and peep their website for ramblings and interviews Pat has done too.

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