Wednesday, October 17, 2007


If you didn't get your pass yet the cheapest one has just expired. Get your butt in gear and don't miss the second best offer. I hiked the mountains "Indian... something or other" trail this morning. It'll take you about 2 hours to go to the summit and down. (maybe less) If you're as out of shape as I am, hurry up and get moving before you go and hike a pipe this winter and drool all over yourself before you get to the drop in ramp. I took this pic from the Wawa site. It's a Pileated Woodpecker that someone must have seen there one day. I had one outside my house before when I moved into town. I thought my neighbors kid was smacking a tree or my house with a baseball bat the noise was so loud. Now I had seen "woodpeckers" before but these things are 19 inches's pretty much a crow with a red hat on. I know this isn't the EB nature site but I figured I would enlighten you a little. Hopefully this Ostrich sized woodland beast doesn't rip into too many Maple trees or the skateboard world is going to need a new wood source. ...

Go buy your pass before you have to pay too much.

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