Monday, September 24, 2007


It's not like most of us can just toss 50 bucks in a can everyday but this is an important fundraiser for all New England skaters and more. Boston's state of the art park still needs to raise money so it can be completed. Please donate what you can, parks like this don't get built on waiting around for someone else to help out. When it's done it'll be totally worth the donation. If you can't personally help, at least forward this info to someone that may have the chance to do so. Thanks

To All Skaters of Greater Boston,

Many of you probably only know me by my nickname, Eastie, but my real name is Jamie Cumming and I’ve been working with the Charles River Conservancy as a member of their Skatepark Committee for the past several months. I agreed to join the CRC’s Skatepark Committee so that we, local skateboarders, would have a voice within the CRC to help guide them in their decisions related to the park’s design and how better to relate to and understand our needs.

I have lived in Boston for practically my entire life and have been skating here for the past 22 years. Finally it seems the reality of the Charles River Skatepark is within our grasp. In these final months before construction starts, the CRC is still quite intent on raising funds for this project and this is why I’m writing all of you.

An anonymous donor has agreed to make a $50,000 donation to the park if he/she sees evidence of skateboarders’ support for this fundraising aspect of the project. Essentially if the CRC receives 100 new contributions ($50 per person) by mid-October then this anonymous donor will present his/her matching donation of $50,000. Since this challenge grant was originally announced the CRC has received 24 donations and needs 76 more to meet its goal.

Trust me I completely understand that $50 may be a bit of a stretch for some of us but if we could rally all of our friends and family members, I’m sure we can make this happen. All donations can be made through the CRC’s website for the skatepark and be sure to add “Challenge Grant Donation” to the memo portion of your donation so that it can be counted towards this goal. ( Or mail the check to CRC, One Education Street, Cambridge MA 02141.

Thanks for your time and consideration regarding this Challenge Grant. We plan to break ground in the spring and I’ll see all of you on opening day.

Jamie Cumming

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