Thursday, April 29, 2010


Thursday April 29th, 2010
7:45am update: 19-24" of snow. Not too shabby of a storm we had over the past 2 days. The sun is out and temps are very comfortable which as you know is not normal after we see a big storm like this one. . We're happy. So happy, in fact, that we're going to open for an extended weekend. Lifts will start turning again on today at 9am and we'll be open through Sunday accessing terrain off the Jet Triple and Metro Quad (trails for all abilities). Tickets will be just $39 for Adults and $29 for Juniors and these rate include lunch in Tower Bar.


Our friend Chris who makes the Downhill Spiral Longboards found this little beauty in Cali at a yard sale and took it home for a dollar. I did some searching around the interweb about it to find that some were sold in Sears in the 60's which were 12 ply, clay wheels, and open loose ball bearings. The "axle" is actually a bolt through one side with the nut on the other. The graphic was still visible when held at the right angle to the light. This one is a 7 ply though which might be older? Either way it's a pretty cool find.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Public service announcement from Rome Snowboards. Winters making a come back up North if you still have the itch Jay may REOPEN!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Looks like they're back. Luckily the kids snapped these quick photos of the "aliens" before they put the car down.

"I don’t know how to explain this but it turns into a ball when it wants to slow down and move around quickly and when it wants to go fast, straight, it turns into a flat plate with maze box-shaped lined lights. These were on all the time."


Read has come home from his car camping "life experience trip" and caught up with Marty to get some riding in the other day.


Missing the snow already? Get some street luge in. By the time they came around the building the rails were so hot the sled was smoking. File under " dumb fun."


Rome TM John Cavan checks in on Skype with Marie-France Roy to find out about her recent injury, how’s she’s doing, and what’s next for her. CHECK THE INTERVIEW HERE

Best wishes from all of us at EB to MFR too.


EB SNOW TEAM shred Nick had this shot on the Method Mag TV site.

Rider: Nick Francke
Photographer: Tommy Bause
Location: Nordkette, Austria
Trick: Big-ass METHOD
"Oh yeah, we got a second chance to hit Nick's crazy feature for a photo shoot! The first session was for Nitro, and the second was for Nick exclusively.
For his session Nick re-shaped the corner from a tabletop jump into a gap and he was the only one who could actually clear it... although not on every try!
He totally came up short on his second try and nose-dived into the wall of the landing (you can see the hole if you look closely), it looked nasty but he walked it off. This photo is of him hitting it the third time, by the way.
Big ups to Nick for hitting and shaping this awesome jump!"

- Tommy Bause

Sunday, April 25, 2010



Jay Clement and Serge Murphy clips shot by Nate Legsdin.


Decks from ZERO, FLIP, CREATURE rolled in late last week ....more on the way soon.


Another talented local photographer Mike Quiet has been setting up a couple sites recently if you want to take a look. Here are the links to his blog and main site.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Thanks to those that use the EB site and doing so, you now know about this little savings on some new kicks or denim.


Check the projectbushwick link for some shots of the guys in NY


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Waterville Valleys Jamie Cobbett and his 11 LB 32" Lake Trout. I doubt he'll say where he caught it. My guess is he used a small child for bait.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


DerekHanlon. Threeflip ....jumped 3 fences to get out to the pier, stomped it, wanted to do it again and lost his friend to a wonder of the world! Photos Mikey Tessier.


With winter behind us and skate season in full bloom, it's time to check in with long time EB Team rider and Watervilles head shred Luke Mathison to see what's cooking in the Valley.

1) So Luke..looks like another winter is in the books for Waterville Valley. Overall how do you think the season went up there?

I think we had a pretty rad season. We started off a little slow with the lack of cold temperatures and snow in November but picked up the pace real quick in December. We had a stellar line up of events like the Pre-Jib, Trans AM Back to the Boneyard and PBRJ as we always do at WV. We had a bunch of new jibs this year and the park was consistently fun.

2) Every year there are a bunch of WV Academy kids that really stand out and look like they're on the road to the big life in the snowboarding world. Between the great park you build and Bill Enos coaching the kids, who are you seeing making the grade?

For me, I look at more then just the kids riding to set the pace. If I had to choose from this years line up, it would without a doubt be Kai Wiggins who’s only 15 and Alex Rodway. These 2 are killing it!

3) You mentioned that you just got back from Breckenridge for the Transworld Good Wood tests to me. How did that go?

The TWSnow Good Wood test was so fun. It was pretty intense actually. I had to test 11 boards a day for 5 days. We pretty much rode from 9AM till 3 or 3:30 unless we did a night shoot. The park set up at Breck was fun and the park crew built us some unique features for the after hour photo shoots.

4) How about some leaked info on what the testers were really stoked on?

I can’t tell you my favorites yet, but I will say that there are some pretty cool boards coming out next year.

5) With summer on the way what's going on with Skate Camp up there at Waterville?

Oh man. Registrations have been pouring in. We are filling up pretty solid for being this early in the process. We have so many return campers signed up. We have been getting a ton of new campers signing up as well. If you’re reading this and need more information on camp… Go to: and check out the site.

6) Is there anything new for campers to look forward to this year?

We just resurfaced the new indoor mini with sheet metal and a fresh coat of paint. I will be sitting down with Ralph and Dana pretty soon to draw up some new stuff for the park. We aren’t doing a complete overhaul like we did last summer, but there will be some new ramps, rails and boxes for sure.

7) Anyone in particular lined up for coaching this season at camp?

It looks like we will have almost the same staff as we’ve had for the past couple years. It is still a little early to have everyone locked in. But I am looking forward to Ralph and Dana as coaches Dave Hardman and Brett Dalzel as overnights.

Sounds like another banger summer in the works at Waterville like usual..thanks for the time and info Luke.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Rail ruler, and still legit in the all around shred department Chris Grenier should be back in action soon from his injury and will be rocking some new duds at the same time.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


...The sun will be back soon...chill out with us until then.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Seth is one of the Leominster stores local riders making moves and getting better every day. If you don't know him yet keep your eyes open..chances are you'll notice soon.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Sure we all know High Cascade is insane for snowboarding in the summer, but if you thought that was all it had going for it check out this new addition and check the High Cascade site out for WAY MORE SUMMER FUN!

Take the Tour! New HCSC Skatepark for 2010 from High Cascade Snowboard Camp on Vimeo.


Josh just swung into the shop the other day back home from another long tour and happy to go get on the bike with all of the guys around here. Check out this app if you're into the band.


New Gravis shoes are looking pretty good..try them out for yourself.


We got word that Zane got 28th out of 55 at Jomo Pro and Ian got 16th out of 52 riders in intermediate. Way to go guys.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Taylor Owen goes under the knife today. They will attempt to repair the big tear in the miniscus and then put the ACL back together. While she's laid up in a hospital bed, you can catch her on Fuel TV since they are airing the segment they shot with her for the Daily Habit this week. Best wishes from us at EB Taylor.


Gormley report: "Nick Francke was a home grown New Hampshire wrecking crew. He could ride everything and had a gross/awesome style. Nick would toss out these monstrous back flips that I always thought looked goofy but everyone else seemed to love.
He would go twice as fast, twice as high and not always look pretty doing it. He has followed that lifestyle to Europe where he continues to embarrass salaried pros regularly by launching gigantic airs over his jump designs and park builds.
Loud, crazy, baked and blasting, Nick Francke let his loyalty take precedence over financial gain. Courted by ski brands and other board companies, Nick stayed true to the MIA vision right up to the end. If you had to do it over again would you do it the same way? Most likely, Nick would.
If you're walking through a small village in Germany and wonder how the f%$# all those Eastern Boarder stickers got everywhere, think of Nick. He is super local in multiple countries on two continents. Deril." ( Shot and words from Matt Gormley taken in the old Waterville Valley Boneyard )

This is a shot I took of Nick ( quite sure it's him anyways) back at Nashoba Valley at an old EB contest. It was a little jump at the end of the halfpipe. He spun 1080's out of it. Like Gorms said it wasn't pretty at the time but he was doing them ...back in the early 90's. Nick's been killing it forever and is also talented behind the paint and pencils. Use the blog search on the side with his name to see more recent shots of him going HUGE.